
Precise Perturbative Computations from Quadrature Rules

The project aims to improve theoretical predictions for hadron collider experiments like the LHC. Current computational complexities and lack of analytic solutions for the appearing integrals are among the main obstacles to achieving the precision required by the experiments. The project will investigate novel numerical approaches for evaluating multi-dimensional Feynman integrals. Divergences will be dealt with by constructing local counterterms at the integrand level. We will then explore the application of hp-quadrature methods for the numerical evaluation of the finite remainders, as an alternative to to the Monte Carlo approach. The goal is to provide a proof of concept for novel numerical algorithms to evaluate two-loop integrals that are currently challenging to compute using conventional techniques.

Jürgen Dölz
Jürgen Dölz
Professor of Mathematics
Claude Duhr
Claude Duhr
Professor of Theoretical Physics