
Towards Lattice Field Theory at the Exascale Frontier

This project aims to develop an open-source software framework for efficient and scalable numerical simulations in Lattice Field Theory (LFT). It will address increasing complexity in LFT problems and adapt to evolving heterogeneous hardware platforms. New algorithmic techniques, including Machine Learning (ML) methods, will be integrated with scalable algorithms to explore inaccessible regions of the parameter landscape. The expanded scope of addressable physical problems and the insights gained in the efficient use of heterogeneous and modular supercomputing platforms have the potential to be translated to multiple projects of this CRC.

Stefan Krieg
Stefan Krieg
Professor of Theoretical Physics
Estela Suarez
Estela Suarez
Professor of High Performance Computing

My research focuses on High Performance Computing, and in particular system level architecture, modular supercomputing, hardware prototyping and evaluation system software for HPC, analysis of operational data on HPC systems.