Carsten Urbach

Carsten Urbach

Professor of Theoretical Physics

Computational Physics Group

Bonn University

Carsten Urbach is a professor for theoretical physics at the Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik at the University of Bonn.

Selected Research topics

  • strongly coupled quantum systems
  • hadron spectrum and properties
  • lattice QCD at zero temperature
  • hadron interactions
  • quantum computing
  • high performance computing
  • parallel Computing
  • algorithm development

Selected Awards and Functions

  • spokesperson CRC1639 NuMeriQS
  • member of the advisory board scientific computing of Bonn university (since 2023)
  • Mario Markus prize (2022)
  • chair of the Lattice conference 2022
  • pineapple award in physics 2021
  • elected Member TRA Matter Steering Committee (since 2021)
  • member of the editorial board for the European Physics Journal A (since 2018)
  • Lattice Field Theories
  • High Performance Computing
  • Stochastic Simulation
  • Quantum Computing
  • PhD in Physics, 2005

    Freie Universität Berlin

  • Diplom in Physics, 2002

    Freie Universität Berlin
